don’t you love going to the supermarket? i do! don’t you wait patiently every monday morning while the new woolworths catalog downloads, all 3.1mb of it, so you can see what’s on special this week? i, um, do.
it’s just, my way of keeping the junk food beast in check is to only buy things like chips or chocolate biscuits or ice cream when they’re on special.
ok, plus, i’m just sad that way.
monday night, almost 8.30, i walked to the supermarket after putting the kid to bed. we needed milk. it was drizzling a little and the sidewalk was mostly clear except for those people outside the thai restaurant and the kebab shop. the supermarket aisles were easy.
this is what was on special, that i bought:
– two bottles of fresh peach fragrance dishwashing detergent
– a bag of frozen baby peas
– a toothbrush
– an avocado
this is what was on special, that i didn’t buy, although i really wanted to:
– english lamb and mint flavoured potato chips
(i think they’re a special release for the commonwealth games. there was also australian sausage sizzle and canadian bacon and cheese, but, hmm, no representatives from all those other countries with predominantly black or brown or yellow people.)
– oreo wafer sticks
(chocolate wafers filled with that pigfat stuff, covered in chocolate. i almost got them, until i read the ingredients list and discovered the primary ingredient was vegetable oil. maybe i should have got them anyway; i mean, what a testament to alchemy!)
then there was this:

what happens when a 23-year old marketing graduate gets together with a brand management guru with 20 years experience is tampons in a little pink stripey tin. apparently they are redefining tampons as “a premium fashion accessory” and “a gorgeous indulgence”.
they weren’t on special, but i bought them anyway. clearly i need to do the grocery shopping in the daytime, with the increasingly grumbly kid in the unwieldy stroller, bumper to bumper with all those other urban warriors. clearly.