ohmigod i am just famished today. it was only four? ish? hours ago that we returned from grocery shoping, and i was dizzy with hunger, and still managed to stumble about the kitchen cracking open eggs and cans of salmon and straw mushrooms. it was the bean sprouts that done it. in the car i had said out loud, “maybe i could make an omelette.”
“like a banh xeo?” asked the boy.
“um, no. i was thinking, like, a goat cheese omelette.”
“a banh xeo with pork and prawns?” he was relentless.
we had neither pork nor prawns, but in the pantry there was a tin of salmon, and in the back seat there was a bag of bean sprouts and a bag of vietnamese rice crackers covered in pork floss, sesame seeds and dried prawns.
and so there it was in the pan: two beaten eggs topped with salmon, straw mushrooms, bean sprouts, crushed rice crackers, a few squirts of sesame oil, fish sauce and chili sauce. em. i’m calling it banh xeo anyway.
but now i am dizzy with hunger again! any tales of roadside cakestops will just have to wait.